Welcome at BeginnerTuts.com. We offer beginner tutorials and guides free of charge. With our tutorials and guides you can begin working with HTML, CSS, WordPress etc. We also wrote a large article about the best WordPress hosts to help you get started with your website. Keep in mind we mostly offer the basic tutorials to get you started. If you would like us to write a specific tutorial feel free to give us a tip by contacting us.
Who is BeginnerTuts.com?
Here at BeginnerTuts.com we are several persons with years of experience developing websites and working with CMS systems like WordPress. We would like to share some of our basic knowledge with you. Maybe this is the beginning of your new career as a website developer or maybe you just want to learn a bit for fun. We include everyone interested in learning for on reason or another.
In some cases we also have other topics we want to share our opinion on. For example our extensive best WordPress hosting guide. We have compared several of the most popular WordPress hosting providers in the world. There is a big difference in both prices and features when it comes down to hosting. We have experience from the hosting business as well helping hundreds of clients throughout the years. Maybe our insights can help you choose the best WordPress provider for your website.
Let’s get started
Here are some of our WordPress beginner tutorials. Use the menu to see all of our beginner tutorials.

Considering using Divi? Here are the pros and cons of the divi wordpress builder

Security in WordPress – 5 Security plugins you should consider

Two great WordPress cache plugins that you should consider using on your site

How to upload a WordPress theme

What is a WordPress plugin and how do they work?