How to use iframes in HTML
The most basic usage of iframes is to embed another web page within your current HTML page.
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>
The above code will display the webpage at within your current HTML page.
You can also use iframes to display videos from external sources:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>
The above code will display the video at the given YouTube URL within your current HTML page.
Additionally, you can use iframes to display content from your own website:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>
The above code will display the HTML content on your page located at within your current HTML page.
Written by: Steven Iversen 30-05-2023 Written in: HTML tutorials
Thanks for this tutorial! I found it really helpfull and now I understand how to use iframes properly . This can realy enhance the user expeariance on my website. Keep up the good work!
Wow, I never knew using iframes in HTML could be so easy! This tutorial really made it clear for me . I used to struggle with embedding content from other websites, but now I can confidently do it with iframes. Thank you so much for sharing this useful guide! Can’t wait to implement iframes in my future projects.
This tutorial on how to use iframes in HTML is extremely helpful! I’ve always struggled with embedding external content into my web pages, but this guide made it so simple to understand . The step-by-step instructions were easy to follow, and the examples provided really solidified my understanding. Thank you for breaking down a potentially complex topic into bite-sized pieces. Great job!
This tutorial on how to use iframes in HTML was a game-changer for me! I’ve always struggled with incorporating external content into my website, but the step-by-step instructions and clear examples provided here made it super easy to understand and implement . The explanations were concise yet comprehensive, ensuring that I didn’t get lost along the way. I especially appreciated the tips on customizing the iframe attributes and the cautions about potential security risks. Thanks to this resource, I now feel confident in utilizing iframes to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of my web projects. Highly recommended!
This tutorial on using iframes in HTML seems really helpful! I appreciate how it breaks down the concept and provides step-by-step instructions . However, I feel like it could benefit from more visual aids or examples to make it easier for beginners like me to grasp the concept. Additionally, some more advanced use cases or potential challenges could be explored to make the tutorial more comprehensive. Overall, it’s a decent resource, but a bit more depth and visual explanations would greatly enhance its value.
This tutorial was so helpful in explaining how to use iframes in HTML! I struggled with understanding them before, but now I feel much more confident in incorporating them into my web projects . Thank you for the clear and concise explanation!
This tutorial was super helpful in explaining how to use iframes in HTML . I was always confused about how to implement them properly, but now I feel much more confident thanks to this guide!
This tutorial was very helpful! I’ve always struggled with iframse, but now I feel much more confident in using them on my website . Thank you for breaking it down in such a simple way.
This tutorial was super helpful! I finally understand how to use iframes in HTML now 🙌🏼 Thanks for the clear explanation!